Friday, April 24, 2015


Last time I blogged about sewing was almost 2 YEARS ago.  Yikes. Needless to say I have been sewing, just have not been blogging, I have a lot of catching up to do.  First and foremost, I finished my friends quilt. That was about 2 weeks ago (whoops, slacker!!!)  I didn't take a picture of it myself, so the one I am posting is from her facebook page.
The hesitation to finish it came from it not being "perfect".  I would work on it for a few days, get bored, move on, etc.  Then it came time to top stitch it. I used a Twin Needle, which kept skipping, which was annoying. So I had a choice, keep sewing with it or stop.  I stopped.  Then in October I bought a Coverstitch Machine (oh how I have always wanted one).  It solved the problem of skipping stitches and finally gave it the look I was hoping for.  The next snag was when I layed everything down to stitch the back to the front.  It was wonky, not even, I wanted to cry.  I texted my friend and she said "don't worry about it, I wouldn't have done any of this, even If i had been given 2 years".  So I sew it together.
So there it is, the finished quilt in its glory.  I learned a LOT from this.  Even though it wasn't perfect, my friend loved it, and that's what mattered the most.
I have started saving all the cute shirts my kids wear and those will eventually be turned into quilts, now that I know what is possible.